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Projects of LAP 2018/2019

This academic year, LAP has implemented 31 projects of which 23 research, 5 applied and 3 service projects. As a result of the implemented projects, 380 students different specialties were certified.

Government customers and contractors often resort to unfair (corrupt) practices at different stages of the procurement procedure. As part of the study, it is necessary to identify: Features of purchases in accordance with 44-FL and 223-FL. What is unfair competition in bidding? Purchasing from a single supplier as a way to avoid competitive bidding. Public discussion of purchases as a way of public control over auctions. Other ways to ensure fair competition.
Identify corruption risks in various areas of economic activity. Collect and analyze information about possible risks at different stages of construction, housing and utilities, and consumer market areas (to choose from). Suggest possible ways to minimize corruption risks.
The goal is to assess the attitude to corruption and its counteraction in various systems of public relations. Tasks: 1. Analyze the features of perception of corruption in various socio-cultural conditions. Influence of religion, historical heritage, culture, socio-economic conditions on people's attitude to corruption. 2. Typical corruption practices in various socio-cultural settings. 3. Features of anti-corruption in different socio-cultural conditions.
To study existing Russian and foreign approaches and practices for measuring corruption at different levels (international, national, regional, municipal, and departmental). Study the most interesting examples in this area: the scope of applicability, the specifics of the research object, methodological limitations, etc. Select cases on measuring corruption. Collect and study materials on comparative analysis of the level of corruption in Russia.
Analysis of complaints of businessmen authorized on protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, case studies from mass media, expert interviews on the subject of illegal criminal prosecution Objectives of the project: Conceptualization and operationalization of the term "wrongful prosecution" To identify the causes and risks of prosecution on specific cases Identify the role of corporate conflicts in illegal prosecution Identify corruption factors that lead to illegal criminal prosecution
The study should identify: · The role of the state in developing anti-corruption measures. · The role of business (private organizations) in the development of anti-corruption measures, organizations of what form of ownership and size should do this and to what extent. · What should be the interest of organizations in developing anti-corruption measures? · How the state can encourage organizations to develop anti-corruption measures.
As part of the study, it is necessary to identify: Who can act as a Complainant about the fact of corruption. Application forms for committing a corruption offense. Measures of protection against corruption in state bodies and other organizations of applicants who are not their employees, but who interact with them. How can the state protect a public servant who has reported corruption from unfair personnel practices? Possible mechanisms for the promotion of the applicants who report allegations of corruption.
Writing a methodological guide for students who are just beginning to get acquainted with the phenomenon of corruption. In preparation for writing the manual, a wide-ranging interdisciplinary study will be conducted to identify the most frequently asked questions and emerging misconceptions about the phenomenon of corruption and its counteraction. The answers will be formulated in such a way that the monograph could become a basic guide and serve as a start for a deeper study of corruption problems.
A game for a mobile device that simulates situations that can occur in everyday life, but at the same time have a corruptive potential. When making a decision, the player makes up a story whose ending he sees after the end of the game. Depending on the actions and decisions taken, the final may be different. What is unusual is that the game shows not only short-term, immediate consequences, but also the impact of corrupt actions on what is happening in the longer term.
The three components of raiding are administrative offenses, criminal offenses, and corruption. It is necessary to study the corruption component on the example of cases of business ombudsmen. Project objectives: Identify the reasons and goals of raiding. Describe the "anatomy" of raiding Analyze the corruption component of raiding.
Collection and analysis of information on combating corruption in developing countries, countries with economies in transition (one or more). Collect quantitative and qualitative data.
Description of historical facts, cases, and personalities related to corruption and anti-corruption activities that will be used in the creation of the documentary "History of world corruption". Find interesting stories and cases on corruption and the fight against corruption that reflect systemic problems. Describe the found cases in the style of popular science publications.
Find international practices in the field of anti – corruption, openness and transparency applied by the countries participating in the open government partnership in public administration that can be implemented in Russia.
Study the rules and methods of anti-corruption expertise. Analyze the scientific literature on the subject of the project. Study foreign experience in conducting anti-corruption expertise. Find and analyze real examples of anti-corruption expertise (cases). Identify problem areas. Form proposals on possible mechanisms for improving the effectiveness of anti-corruption expertise and improving the rules for conducting it.
Examine existing legislative measures to prevent corruption in the judicial system. Analyze the scientific literature on the subject of the project. Study foreign experience. Find and analyze real examples (cases) of corruption in the judicial system and measures to prevent it. Identify problem areas. Form proposals for possible changes in legislation.
Цель – популяризация деятельности Проектно-учебной лаборатории антикоррупционной политики, антикоррупционное просвещение. Задачи: наполнение групп LAP в социальных сетях «Вконтакте» и «Фейсбук» научно-популярным контентом на антикоррупционную тематику. Публикация деятельности LAP в группах в социальных сетях «Вконтакте» и «Фейсбук».
The study of typical corrupt practices in the regulatory and Supervisory activities of government bodies and efficiency analysis applied in the framework of priority project "Introduction of system of the prevention and prevention of corruption control and oversight" measures. Assess whether the proposed measures contribute to reducing corruption risks in certain types of control and Supervisory activities.
Development of the content of a training mobile game about corruption. There are several ready-made training games that need to be beautifully designed and translated into electronic format in order to be used more effectively in the educational process, as well as to facilitate the exchange of experience with laboratory partners. Games can be used both for independent learning, and in the process of teaching, as auxiliary material.
The task is to study and compare foreign experience in determining, establishing and resolving conflicts of interest, including through the use of asset Declaration mechanisms. The project involves a parallel series of case studies on the practice of conflict of interest resolution and asset Declaration, mainly based on foreign material.
The project will create an understanding of the relationship between corruption and violation of the fundamental rights of representatives of the LGBTI community in the Russian Federation. As part of the study, the project team will seek to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations of the analysis of violations of the rights of LGBTI people and corruption, to test hypotheses about the existence of a relationship between these variables. In addition, information on existing cases of violation of rights and the phenomenon of corruption will be collected and analyzed, and recommendations based on the results of the analysis will be developed.
The goal of the project is to introduce the concept of sextortion into Russian anti-corruption analysis, as well as to create an information base on sextortion. The project will substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations of sextortion analysis and conceptualize the term sextortion. The result of the work will be an analytical report on corruption components of a sexual nature in the Russian Federation.
The goal of the project is to form an understanding of the manifestations of political corruption in different countries of the world and effective ways to curb it. The project involves conducting a series of case studies of the practice of political corruption, tools for its diagnosis and methods of confrontation based on foreign material.
The aim of the project is to prepare a game in which it is necessary to solve ethical situations in a university environment.
The project involves a study of the Declaration process in foreign countries (how the Declaration takes place): what category of employees is required to submit income declarations, in what form and to what authority, who controls the correctness of the information contained in the Declaration, what type of liability is provided for violators of the rules for submitting declarations; electronic Declaration form.
The goal of the project is to develop criteria for the gender equality index at the University Analyze data on the teaching staff of THE HSE according to the index criteria Assess the degree of gender equality of faculty management To rank the faculties, departments and schools according to the index.
The project will develop materials for social media on anti-corruption, write articles on anti-corruption research and developed a strategy for research groups in social media.


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