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Projects of LAP 2019/2020

This academic year, LAP has implemented 52 projects of which 37 research, 8 applied and 7 service projects. As a result of the implemented projects, 628 students of 47 different specialties were certified.


Description of certain aspects of anti-corruption policy (at the student's choice). The selection is based on participation in master classes from leading experts in the field of anti-corruption policy. Project work is organized in small groups according to the direction of anti-corruption policy chosen by the group members and includes the study of Russian and foreign sources and the preparation of an analytical report.
Conceptualization of the concept of "integrity", analysis of the relationship between integrity and corruption.
Analysis of international experience in regulating corruption and lobbying.
Review of various interpretations of the term "corruption", its forms and types. Tasks: Review of publications of expert analytical materials and legal acts on the definition and analysis of various manifestations of corruption, typical corruption practices Review of materials on typology of corruption, forms and types of corruption Writing a mini-study based on the results of analytical work
The shadow economy is an important challenge for the modern state and generates such negative phenomena as: -reduction of tax revenues due to unrecorded economic activity, - spread of informal / corrupt relations between economic entities, - development of legal nihilism and criminalization of the economic sphere. The relationship between the shadow economy and corruption is extremely interesting to study. Within the framework of the project, the subject of analysis will be: - causal links between the shadow economy and corruption, - the probability of a shadow economy without corruption, - the relationship between the shadow economy and crime, -tools of the state economic policy to reduce the share of the shadow economy and combat corruption in the economic sphere.
The project involves a search and meaningful analysis of Russian and foreign sources on the problem of sextortion, an analysis of the diversity of its forms and the corruption component of this phenomenon, and an assessment of the prospects for countering it.
The project involves search and content analysis of Russian and foreign sources on issues of cultural and religious influence influence on attitudes to corruption, active participation in corruption and readiness support anti-corruption initiatives.
Effective state regulation of anti-corruption education is an important element of anti-corruption policy and the key to success in reducing corruption. For building an effective system of anti-corruption training is required for a sufficient coverage (target audience) and content depth. Training can be carried out within the framework of General or professional education programs, as an integral part of another educational program, or as a separate specialized program using various educational formats and teaching methods. This project focuses on the analysis of Russian and foreign practices of anti-corruption education in General, as well as on the analysis of specific cases of implementation of anti-corruption training.
The project involves the development of anti-corruption measures. In accordance with art. 13.3 of the Federal law " On anti-corruption" organizations are required to develop and take measures to prevent corruption. In this case, the measures are Advisory in nature.
Analysis of complaints of entrepreneurs to the Institute of commissioners for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, cases from the media, expert interviews to identify typical practices of illegal criminal prosecution of entrepreneurs for corruption or raiding purposes. Tasks: - Identify the reasons for criminal prosecution in specific cases on Russian soil - Identify the role of corporate conflicts in illegal criminal prosecution - Identify the risks of entrepreneurs in the field of illegal criminal prosecution - Identify corruption factors that lead to illegal criminal prosecution - Identify typical corruption practices in the field of illegal criminal prosecution in the economic sphere -Identification of effective methods of countering illegal criminal prosecution through the tools of criminal law compliance.
The project involves the study of law enforcement practice in the field of criminal prosecution of entrepreneurs, as well as identifying the most typical practices of unfair or illegal behavior of law enforcement officers in terms of unlawful criminal prosecution of entrepreneurs, initiation of contract criminal cases, criminal pressure for extortion, etc. The number of instructions of the Russian President and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation provides for the elimination of the possibility of using criminal proceedings as a means of settling a civil legal dispute, aimed at increasing business confidence to the work of law enforcement. At the same time, according to surveys of entrepreneurs, business security issues remain a key deterrent to investment activity and business initiative in Russia.
The project provides for the study of literature and preparation of abstracts or translations of at least 2 sources in a foreign language describing the international experience of using artificial intelligence in anti-corruption; summarizing the successful experience of using artificial intelligence in anti-corruption and evaluating the prospects for its use in the anti-corruption sphere. The goal of the project is to study the successful experience of using artificial intelligence in countering corruption and assess the prospects for using artificial intelligence in the anti-corruption sphere.
The project provides for organizing and conducting an online survey on the topic "Psychological factors of perception of corruption by former students of top Russian Universities", studying sources on the problem (domestic and foreign authors), as well as analyzing the results and writing a study based on data and analysis.
The project provides an annotation of sources describing the psychology of a corrupt official, translation, adaptation, testing for the validity and reliability of the methodology, and the compilation of a battery of tests, which is a single questionnaire for further sociological research.
Determine the directions of development of the institution of commissioners for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs in the light of solving the tasks of the state anti-corruption policy. A significant number of cases of violation of the rights of entrepreneurs have corruption reasons. Protecting business entities, the authorized bodies for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs, thereby, implement the tasks of countering corruption.
Search and analysis of international practices in the field of anti – corruption, openness and transparency applied by the countries participating in the open government partnership in public administration, which can be implemented in Russia.
Success in implementing anti-corruption policies depends not only on the quality of laws adopted, but also on how information about them is communicated to citizens. This is the first project of the laboratory in a series that will study the role of mass communication In anti-corruption education. The implementation of the project involves a number of interdisciplinary studies aimed at identifying tools, methods and mechanisms available in the Arsenal of mass communication Media, such as print media, online publications, social advertising, popular TV series, cinema and many others that can be used for anti-corruption education and the formation of civil society's position on anti-corruption issues. The research will use an interdisciplinary approach that simultaneously examines the problem from the point of view of sociology, political science, cultural studies, history, etc.The project will also form a research library that will be useful for researchers from related fields, as well as for those who will continue to study the role of mass communication in countering corruption in the future.
Analysis of the new regulatory system in certain areas of public relations from the point of view of clear regulation, reducing corruption risks in the implementation of control and supervision activities, and developing economic potential in industries.
The project is dedicated to the study of forms and methods of anti-corruption expertise in regulatory legal acts. The determination of the directions necessary for improving the existing expert approach.
Within the framework of the study, you can compare the experience of countries in countering corruption in any selected parameter. This can be an industry, tool, geographical location, ideology, and so on. The parameter for comparison remains at the discretion of the researcher. The main task is to identify similarities or differences, explain their causes, and make recommendations for the future.
Compilation of an illustrated collection on the history of corruption in Russia
Search for corruption stories in Russian and foreign literature, their analysis and interpretation
Study of existing forms and methods of overcoming corruption in the judicial system, possible ways to improve anti-corruption work in the courts. Based on the study of modern legislation, law enforcement practice, scientific and methodological literature to determine the content, shortcomings and prospects for the development of anti-corruption methodology in courts. Identify the most significant corruption risks associated with imperfect legislation and the organizational side of the courts. Determine possible directions of the state information policy in this area.
It is necessary to study the corruption component in the most common schemes of raiding, taken from judicial and investigative practice Project objectives: Conceptualization and operationalization of the term "raiding" Identify the reasons and goals of raiding. Describe the" anotomy " of raiding Analyze the corruption component of raiding
It is necessary to study civil, administrative and criminal sanctions for corrupt practices in Russia and foreign countries and determine their effectiveness. The main goal of the project is to identify problems in law enforcement and legislative regulation of legal sanctions for corrupt behavior in one of the three branches of law: civil, administrative, and criminal. To achieve this goal, the student will have to solve the following tasks: - study the history of the development of a specific right-wing sanction for corrupt behavior - to examine the international legislative experience in regulating similar sanctions; - to study the practice of applying this sanction to a corrupt official in Russia; - formulate the main problems affecting the effectiveness of this sanction in the fight against corruption, as well as conclusions about the feasibility of its application or improvement.
The project provides an annotation of sources describing the psychology of a corrupt official, a translation of the methodology, and the compilation of a battery of tests, which is a single questionnaire for further sociological research. The goal of the project is to attempt to describe the psychological portrait of a Russian corrupt official, as well as to search for and translate a questionnaire to diagnose the psychology of those convicted of corruption offenses. Project objectives: 1. Referencing sources on the problem and searching for successful attempts to describe the psychological portrait of a corrupt official; 2. Search for the necessary tools by referencing sources in Russian and English; 3. Translation of the questionnaire into Russian; 4. Preparation of the final methodology for further sociological research; 5. if you have access to the target audience (convicted of corruption offenses), processing and analyzing the collected data.
Analysis of it solutions for opening and running a business as a way to avoid corruption when interacting with government agencies, intermediaries, and studying world best practices. The goal of the project is to analyze the process of providing it solutions for opening and running a business in Russia, complying with mandatory requirements, studying possible costs, and excluding corruption.
In the modern world, combating corruption has become one of the priorities of public policy in all progressive countries. For many States, corruption is a problem that makes it difficult for a country to participate in international business. Taking on a transnational character, corruption affects all levels of international relations and extends to the economy and society of all countries. In many developing countries, corruption is systemic and largely determines the specifics of doing business in the country and its place in the system of international economic relations. To prevent and successfully combat corruption, it is necessary to understand how it affects the conduct of business and what negative consequences it has for international companies. The oil and gas industry in the study is taken as an example of one of the most widely developed industries, and affecting in one way or another almost all countries of the world.
Search for materials for creating a library on the role of the media in anti-corruption policy
The study will examine the impact of colonization by the major world powers (England, France, Spain and Portugal) on the development of the economy in the colonies, as well as how economic and social relations were formed during this period. It is also planned to find out whether the peculiarities of building relations between the mother country and the colonies had an impact on the current level of corruption in the former colonies. If Yes, what is it and in what areas of the economy or society
Ethical regulation of state and municipal services is one of the most important areas of anti-corruption in state and municipal management. The project focuses on the analysis of key theoretical approaches, tools and experience in the practical implementation of ethical regulation and anti-corruption in state and municipal management in Russia and abroad.
Identify ways to protect applicants about corruption violations, the main directions of development of legislation in this area. Russia has committed itself to protecting those who report corruption offences by joining the OECD Convention (Organization for economic cooperation and development) on combating bribery of foreign officials in international commercial transactions. The national anti-corruption plan for 2018-2020 contains an item on improving measures to combat corruption in the business sector, including the protection of business entities from abuse of office by officials.
Abstract translations from English to Russian of foreign classics of anti-corruption research (scientific articles and monographs), or literal translations of foreign laws on various aspects of anti-corruption (lobbying, conflict of interest, Declaration of income, etc.). Tasks: Familiarization with classic works on anti-corruption issues in the field of modern interdisciplinary anti-corruption theory (political, economic, legal, sociological, etc.) Study of anti-corruption laws Honing the skills of abstract translation from English language into Russian language Objectification of research results in the form of a text (made according to the rules of a scientific article) Presentation of the research results at the General meeting of the group
Review of sources and publications on the history of corruption in Russia and in the world, writing mini-studies on specific periods and problems. The goal is to create a collection of research on the history of corruption in Russia and in the world Periodization of the history of corruption Developing requirements for materials Writing mini-studies on the history of corruption in Russia and in the world according to the specified requirements A selection of additional literature on the topic Selection and creation of illustrative materials for research
Maintaining anti-corruption policy laboratory groups in the social networks "Vkontakte" and " Facebook»
During the activity of the laboratory, a large number of games and educational and support materials have been developed, which we use in anti-corruption education. The materials are intended both for students of schools and Universities who are just beginning to get acquainted with the phenomenon of corruption, methods and ways of countering it, and for those who have been studying the phenomenon for a long time. For further successful use of developments, it is necessary to make a bright and memorable design for them. This applies to both finished products and those that are still in development. It is also necessary to translate the materials into an interactive electronic format so that they can be used by large audiences or shared. To do this, you may need to write a simple application or web version of the program.
Conducting anti-corruption policy laboratory groups in social networks "Vkontakte" and "Facebook", promoting LAP events, projects, and educational programs. The goal is to support the implementation of the PR strategy of educational products LAP Tasks: Preparing publications for social networks Email mailing list Working with the target audience
Writing python codes to perform LAP application tasks.
Conducting research on one of the aspects of the evolution of international anti-corruption standards. The research involves a scientific review of publications on the selected aspect and objectification of the results obtained. The search of publications is carried out using the electronic resources of the HSE. After writing the research paper, the project participants will briefly present their results. All works are systematized in a single collection.
Creating an electronic anti-corruption encyclopedia.
Conducting research on one of the issues of the project, preparing a report and presenting it to the group. Tasks: Analysis of specialized literature on the selected subject based on a bibliographic study Objectification of research results in the form of a text (made according to the rules of a scientific article) Presentation of the research results at the General meeting of the group in the form of a report using projection technology
Conducting individual in-depth comparative studies of anti-corruption theory, legislation and practice.


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